Monday, 21 February 2022

Action on the Ground - Signs of Aminex 3D Seismic Survey

 Aminex Seismic Action

There are signs of action from Aminex ARA on the ground with discernible tracks showing across the proposed seismic survey area

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The first mapping image has been produced from an original image published thanks to James Ashton who has spotted new tracks.

The one in yellow above NT2 was found just a few weeks ago and now in green we can see clearly where they have extended the Latitude track right to left, and and in addition have created a north south track. 

Below were my own two original estimates as to where the 3D would take place, the first covers the whole target range of approximately 338sqkm and the second shows an inner area which I thought the company would concentrate on first, which seems to be the case.

It is early days yet and although these tracks are clearly visible, there is no guarantee that they are what we think they are.  However, they are in perfectly straight lines across the expected area and so every reason to think things are progressing well.

As ever do your own research.