Considering that the market for natural gas is scattered
throughout the country and beyond, investments into local and regional
transmission pipelines routes are proposed arbitrarily to be done in phases of
five years period. The tentative phasing
proposed in
NGUMP include Phase 1 that will cover the transmission pipeline to
run from Dar es Salaam to Mwanza, from Dar es Salaam to Arusha and from Mtwara
to Njombe. The Second Phase will be construction of a transmission pipeline
from Morogoro to Mbeya, while the third Phase will connect Mbeya to Sumbawanga,
Tabora to Kigoma, Mwanza to Kagera and Mwanza to Mara regions. The tentative
routing is as proposed in Fig. 6.2 below. However, the actual routing could be
determined through detailed feasibility studies including export options in the