Monday 25 June 2018

Nothing to Report - Just My Aminex Thoughts

Very quiet on the Aminex front lately as we wait and wait which means there is nothing really to report other than England won 6v1 in the World Cup,  Polished off the Aussies 5v0 in the cricket and Louis Hamilton won the French Grand Prix yesterday.

I'm looking forward to attending the AGM on 11th July and hope to have many questions answered.  Meanwhile the bulletin boards have been full of speculation and the quiet period has been taken advantage of by the detractors and those with vested interests but from what snippets are available it seems the quiet period is about to come to an end.

End H1  =  Chikumbi_1 Rig tender process to be completed
Early H2  =  Farm-Out talks anticipated completion
Late Q3 Early Q4  =  Hinted spud date (Source Neil Ritson - Solo O&G)
H2  =  Ruvuma monetization hinted (Source Neil Ritson - Solo O&G)

There are also three licences awaiting approval at the moment including the 25 year development licence but I have no indication of the dates they will be granted.  With the delayed AGM this year, it rather looks like the board are hoping to tie a few things up and hopefully get them through prior to the meeting.

With remediation seemingly at a standstill at Kiliwani where TPDC approval was required!  Without explanation, it seems to me that all of the above are linked to governmental decisions so as said earlier for now it is a waiting game as we wait for the starting blocks to be laid out!