Tuesday 10 July 2018

The Call for Better Communication

The following presentation was one made by myself to the Aminex Board back in December and the response from the Chairman Brian Hall was as follows...

" Thanks for writing to us and we will look at your suggestions "

The result...  9 tweets in seven months
2 on one day January
3 on one day February
3 on one day March
1 in April

It is my own opinion that providing good PR is what helps to keep confidence in a company and it is an important aspect for any business to aid it's progression.

There are of course times when during negotiations a company cannot speak of such things but both shareholders and potential holder need to be assured that a company is continually working towards stated goals.

Social media updates cost nothing but a few moments thought.  Better communication is one of the concerns put forward to the board in the series of questions put forward to them.

If attending the AGM I hope you will support me in this call for better comms.
